Everyday Makeup Tutorial

Alright ladies... the time has come! I finally made a video (took me long enough) of my everyday makeup. It is my first ever and the video is longer than I wanted, but I will get better at these things I promise! I also did a TON of explaining, so in reality it takes me way less time to get ready than in the video.  I mention in the video a few times that I do mostly drugstore makeup, but some of my makeup is high end. I only get these, like I said, at Christmas or my birthday so like once or twice a year. I don't just have extra cash falling off the tree in my backyard, which I don't have either :) I have also learned that, to a point, it's not necessarily "what" kind of makeup you have, but it's more of how you apply it.  Oh and another thing I didn't really mention in the video is to blend, blend, BLEND! I cannot emphasize this enough, although I did notice that I didn't blend in my cheeks as well as I should have. Wrist. Slapped! I am also working on enhancing the quality of the video as well. Anyway I hope it is helpful and informative for you! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share.



  1. You are gorgeous! I love this blog.

  2. Nice job. You're a hottie! Questions: what's a beauty blender? You don't do eyeliner 1st I noticed. Mine looks too pencily

  3. Thank you Candace I am glad you loved it!

  4. Thank you Heather that is so nice! A beauty blender is a sponge makeup applicator that helps the makeup to go on smoothly to the skin. I will put a post about it! I do eyeliner usually right before my mascara. I don't put it on before I do my shadow because then it would smudge or be really faded and I like it to be a little darker.


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